Guest Editors:
• Ziyun Fan, University of York, UK
• Diansha Wang, University of Glasgow, UK
• Christian Voegtlin, ZHAW School of Management and Law, Switzerland
• Jonathan Doh, Villanova University, US
JMS Editor:
• Hannes Leroy, Erasmus University, Netherlands
To support the development of papers, the special issue’s guest editors are organizing an
online paper development workshop (PDW) on: Friday, 7 February 2025, at 1300 to 1500
The full call for papers can be found here.
Prospective authors are cordially invited to register their interests for the PDW and/or submit
their extended abstract to: https://forms.gle/RxrbpXeZtMEEhNNNA, before Friday, 31
January, 2025.
The Zoom link for the PDW is:
The PDW will be organized into two parts:
• The first part of the PDW involves an introduction to the special issue and its themes,
with a Q&A session about the special issue;
• In the second part, authors who submitted their extended abstracts will join breakout
groups – each corresponds to a theme led by the guest editors. Authors will receive
detailed feedback from other participants and the guest editors;
• The guest editors will close the PDW with a summary and some comments.
PDW Abstract Submission Guide:
• The maximum length of the extended abstract is 1000 words, excluding references,
Tables, Figures, and appendices;
• Please include the (provisional) paper title and author information.
For questions about the special issue and the PDW, please get in touch: ziyun.fan@york.ac.uk
Looking forward to meeting you at the PDW!