The Scope and Scale of MNE Strategies: In Commemoration of Alan Rugman’s Contribution to International Business Research

The sudden passing of Alan Rugman has abruptly cut short the academic career of one of the most prominent, contemporary international business (IB) scholars. To acknowledge Rugman’s scholarly contribution, we have invited two teams of leading IB scholars to engage in a Point–Counterpoint (PCP) discussion, providing a constructive dialogue associated with Rugman’s work and its implications for the IB and management research fields. (Free access until 25 April 2016.)

The Scope and Scale of MNE Strategies: In Commemoration of Alan Rugman’s Contribution to International Business Research
Igor Filatotchev and Dries Faems 

Global, Local, or Regional? The Locus of MNE Strategies
Alain Verbeke and Christian Geisler Asmussen

A Global Value Chain Analysis of the ‘Regional Strategy’ Perspective
Ram Mudambi and Jonas Puck