We are pleased to announce the shortlist for the Grigor McClelland Award 2020.
The shortlisted candidates below are in alphabetical order by surname:
1. Caterina Bettin – Saint Mary’s University, Towards an Amodern, Aesthetic and Existentialist Approach to Subjectivity in Management and Organization Studies.
2. Alicia DeSantola – University of Washington, The Dynamics of New Venture Development: Scaling and Entrepreneurial Teams
4. Winnie Yun Jiang – INSEAD, Meaning and Mobility: The Dynamics of Pursuing, Sustaining, and Leaving A Calling
5. Sanela Jones – The Open University, Performative democratic practice: An ethnographic study of Women’s Rights Centre in Montenegro
6. Mustafa Kavas– CASS Business School , Strategizing through Religious Practices: Resourcing Cycles and Rituals in Family Firms
7. Mike Lee – INSEAD, Self-Managing Organizations: Exploring the Dynamics and Consequences of Radically Decentralizing Authority
8. Ivar Padrón-Hernández – Hitotsubashi University, When International Strategy Meets Local Institutions: Subsidiary Influence in the Context of Headquarter Initiatives
9. David Reetz – Technische Universität München (TUM), Embracing uncertainty: A study of organizational search and structure
10. Matthew Scobie – University of Canterbury, Grounding the concept and practice of accountability: A case study with Ngāi Tahu
11. Kathleen Stephenson – Vrije Universiteit (VU) Amsterdam, Paperless Professors: A Study of Changing Academic Work and Workspaces
12. Emily Truelove – Harvard Business School, The changing nature of professional work inside an incumbent firm in the age of social media: Examining the challenge of coproduction
13. Arusyak Zakaryan – Grenoble Ecole de Management, Dealing With Experience: Learning From Failure And Success And Innovation Outcomes From Internal Knowledge Search
Congratulations to everyone. The standard was very high again this year. The 3 finalists, who will present their work at EGOS, will be announced very shortly.