We are pleased to announce the winner of the SAMS Grigor McClelland Doctoral Dissertation Award 2020:
Ivar Padrón Hernández, Hitotsubashi University, Japan for his dissertation “When International Strategy Meets Local Institutions: Subsidiary Influence in the Context of Headquarter Initiatives”
We would also like to recognise the two other finalists:
Mike Lee – INSEAD, Self-Managing Organizations: Exploring the Dynamics and Consequences of Radically Decentralizing Authority
Kathleen Stephenson – Vrije Universiteit (VU) Amsterdam, Paperless Professors: A Study of Changing Academic Work and Workspaces
You can find further details about the award and a list of all of the previous winners and finalists here: http://www.socadms.org.uk/the-grigor-mcclelland-doctoral-dissertation-award/.
The call for applications for the 2021 award will open later this year.