We are delighted to welcome John Prescott (University of Pittsburgh) and Riikka Sarala (University of North Carolina) as new Associate Editors of JMS from the 1st of July. We would also like to announce that from the 1st of July, …
JMS Impact Factor
We are happy to announce that the Impact Factor of Journal of Management Studies has increased to 3.763. As a result we continue to have a strong position in journal rankings in both business (8/115) and Management (15/185). We would …
Special Issue Call for Papers
‘Meaningful Work: Prospects for the 21st Century’
Submission Deadline: 3rd March 2017
Guest Editors:
Catherine Bailey, University of Sussex
Adrian Madden, University of Greenwich
Ruth Yeoman, Oxford University
Marc Thompson, Oxford University
Neal Chalofsky, George Washington University
Marjolein Lips-Wiersma, Auckland …
Call for Papers for Doctoral Student Conference
The First Edition of the Doctoral Student Conference on Sustainable Operations, Logistics and Supply Chain Management will be held on 5th June 2014 in Sheffield University Management School, Sheffield (UK). The conference aims to bring together young researchers (mainly doctoral …
Special Issue Call for Papers
Guest Editors:
Bertrand V. Quélin, HEC Paris (quelin@hec.fr)
Ilze Kivleniece, Imperial College London (ilze.kivleniece@imperial.ac.uk)
Sergio Lazzarini, Insper (sergiogl1@insper.edu.br)
In today’s economic environment, novel, innovative forms of collaboration between public and private organizational actors take an …
New General Editor and Associate Editor for the Journal of Management Studies
The Journal of Management Studies is seeking a General Editor and an Associate Editor to join the editorial team of Andrew Corbett, Bill Harley, Dries Faems, Charles Dhanaraj, Penny Dick, Igor Filatotchev, Maddy Janssens and Gerardo Patriotta. The term of …
Developing the Management Studies Community
SAMS (The Society for the Advancement of Management Studies) invites applications twice yearly in January and July for funding to support events or activities that benefit the management studies community in …
Special Issue Call for Papers
Claims that we are living through a period of unprecedented volatility, complexity and even chaos are not new. Consultants and business gurus routinely pronounce epochal shifts and put forward prescriptions for managing in a complex age. Social scientists have produced …
Shadowing as Practice
Following on from success of the first Warwick Business School International Summer School on Practice-Based Studies this past September in Venice, we are pleased to announce that we will be holding a one-day workshop on ‘Shadowing as Practice’, which will …
SAMS Call for Funding Applications
SAMS (The Society for the Advancement of Management Studies) invites applications twice yearly in January and July for funding to support events or activities that benefit the management studies community in general. Priority will be given …