Grigor McClelland Doctoral Dissertation Award 2019 Finalists
The finalists will be giving presentations on their work on the 4th July 2019 at the EGOS Conference. If you would like to attend to hear more about their work, and…
Deadline for applications is 16.00 BST on Friday, 5th July 2019.
Please email applications to Margaret Turner (
Proposals received after the closing date cannot be considered …
Workshop part sponsored by SAMS
Knowledge network: An interdisciplinary paper development workshop
A Paper Development Workshop for Early-Career Scholars
The broad area of social network theory and analysis is interdisciplinary in nature as it has historically attracted scholars from …
Call for Papers for a Special Issue
Heuristics and Biases of Top Managers
Submission Deadline: 29 February 2020
Guest Editors:
Barbara Burkhard, University of St Gallen, Switzerland
Nicolai Foss, Bocconi University, Italy
Dietmar Grichnik, University of St Gallen, Switzerland…
In honour of International Women’s Day below are the most recent papers published by women at the forefront of management research:
Anchors in Rough Seas: Understanding Category Spanning as a Source of Market Coordination
Martina Montauti
How Collective Engagement …
The Society for the Advancement of Management Studies (SAMS) is holding a two day forum at the Møller Centre, Cambridge, UK, on Friday 15th and Saturday 16th March 2019. The aim of the Forum is to bring together …
The Grigor McClelland Doctoral Dissertation Award is an annual prize of £5,000 awarded to innovative scholarship demonstrated within a PhD or DBA thesis in any discipline within management and organisation studies. The award is supported by the Journal of Management …