Workshop dates: 8-9 September 2025
Application deadline: 31 May 2025
The Journal of Management Studies and FGV EAESP invite you to attend their Publishing Workshop in São Paulo, Brazil. This workshop will feature JMS editors and active scholars from/based in Brazil. This is a two-day, in-person only, event with Day 1 open to all, but participation on Day 2 is by invitation-only, based on the submission of a paper proposal. There is no charge for participation.
Further Details:
Day 1 (8 September 2025): This part of the workshop will focus on professional development with an emphasis on strategies for successful publishing. It will feature presentations by experienced editors, as well as focused discussions on key topics related to publishing such as:
- Introducing SAMS and JMS
- How to craft a theoretical contribution
- How to integrate global south lenses in theoretical contributions
- Transparency with methods
- Theorizing with data
- Writing for scholarly and societal impact
- Understanding and navigating the review process
We will end the day with a panel discussion on publishing strategies and how to manage your academic career. This panel will involve both JMS editors and scholars from/based in Brazil, who will share their publishing and broader career experience and advice: João Albino-Pimentel, University of South Carolina; Sandro Cabral, Insper; Marina Gama, FGV-EAESP; Marcus Gomes, Cardiff University; Gabriela Lotta, FGV-EAESP; Marlei Pozzebon, HEC Montreal.
Day 2 (9 September 2025): This part of the workshop will invite participants to present their papers and engage in a Q&A and feedback session. Feedback will be provided by experienced JMS editors and active scholars from/based in Brazil, with the aim to help authors prepare their paper for subsequent submission to a leading journal.
How to Participate
Participation in the workshop is free, but numbers are limited. Day 2 capacity is limited to 30 participants. Attendees will be selected on the basis of the quality of their application.
Applicants must fill out an online registration form and provide a summary of the motivation, findings, and contributions of their paper. We seek applications that align well with the goals of JMS – advancing theoretical and empirical contributions in management studies – while also fostering discussions relevant to the local (e.g. Brazil and/or more broadly South America) and global scholarly community. Selection for Day 2 automatically includes participation in Day 1.
Day 1 is open to anyone who wishes to attend but is limited to 60 and places will be allocated on a first-come, first-served basis.
To register your interest in attending, please complete this form.
Decisions will be communicated by 1 July 2025 to give you enough time to make travel arrangements.
A limited number of bursaries (i.e., financial support) will be offered by the Society for the Advancement of Management Studies (SAMS) towards travel expenses. Information regarding bursaries will be included in the email confirming a place at the workshop.
For any enquiries, please contact Margaret Turner or James Totty at: business.jms@durham.ac.uk or Amon Narciso de Barros at: amon.barros@fgv.br