The Society for the Advancement of Management Studies (SAMS) is a charity, established in 1963 by Professor Grigor McClelland, to provide a governance structure for the Journal of Management Studies.
SAMS’ broader remit is to advance education in the field of management studies and in the fulfilment of that may:
- edit books, journals, essays, articles or other literary works;
- publish books, journals, essays, articles or other literary works;
- provide for the delivery and holding of lectures, discussions, exhibitions, public meetings, classes and conferences;
- offer and award prizes to winners of thesis or essay or other like competitions;
- co-operate with other bodies and exchange information and advice with them.
SAMS is governed by a Council of Trustees, which meets four times a year. Professor Bill Harley (University of Melbourne, Australia) is currently Chair of the Councilm Professor Sabina Siebert (University of Glasgow) is currently Deputy Chair of the Council and Professor Robert Blackburn (University of Liverpool) is currently Treasurer. There are, at present, 22 Trustees based around the world.